How To Feng Shui Your Bedroom We all know about lavender bags, hot baths, keeping a window open, malted milk drinks, relaxation techniques...the list goes on and on and...
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Flat Pack Furniture Issues The Christmas chuck-out
Big Wooden Wardrobes The only hope is there will be enough rail space and a shelf for your few meagre threads...dream on! Without wanting to get too out of shape on...
how to get more sleep - foods to be aware of Each twenty four hours your body needs around eight sleep but if you over do the coffee sleep will be a struggle. This short...
Sustainable Bed Frames Handmade In The UK Including Four Poster Beds & Sleigh Beds The question is this. Are all the woods used in furniture products ethically sourced?...
Where Did Cotton Come From And How Is It Produced?
Four Poster Bed History For centuries four poster beds were a sign of wealth, with many aspiring to owning such an item. It was believed that the better the four poster...
UK Handmade Wooden Beds It all starts here with the wood. Timber is checked as it is unloaded from the delivery lorry to make sure it's good enough for a Revival Bed....
How Is A Revival Bed Made? We also buy in turnings from specialist Lancashire wood turners Earlymatch. Even though we expect and get the best from our suppliers we do...
Find The Perfect Distressed Bed & Furniture For Your Home Walking around shops and stores we see furniture in pristine condition with a perfect un-flawed finish which is...