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The Airbnb Owners Guide to Interior Design

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Running a successful Airbnb property relies on many factors, including the location, the number of beds, price and much more. However, one key factor often overlooked is the property’s interior design. Not only does a well-styled property attract more guests, but it can also allow you to raise your nightly rates by up to 24%.

It’s one thing to make sure your property is clean, well priced, practical and in a good location. However, a visually attractive interior is one of the most important motivators for potential guests. Using this article’s advice, tips, and tricks, you can transform your property and encourage potential guests to hit the ‘book now’ button with enthusiasm.


Create an Experience


There are many reasons that guests choose to stay in an Airbnb over a traditional hotel, and one of them is that they’re looking for an experience hotels simply can’t offer. Airbnb stays provide a way to experience the culture of a location more closely and in a less touristy way. 

When thinking about the interior design of your property, consider the experience you’re offering to your guests. Find a way to make your property an extension of where it’s located and offer guests guidance on how they can make the most out of their stay.


Match Your Style to Your Location


As previously mentioned, your guests are looking for something authentic — a place that complements their choice of location. When thinking about the interior design of your property, look for inspiration from your surrounding area and try to understand what potential guests would look for. 

If your property is located in a rural countryside area, your guests will likely appreciate a traditional farmhouse style design. If your property is located near the sea, use that to your advantage and create something that has the vibes of a coastal retreat. Perhaps something with subtle nautical themes, using blues and a light sandy colour scheme.   


Stand Out From the Crowd


There can be a temptation to ‘play it safe’ with the interior design. However, there’s also a danger of blending into the ever-expanding sea of Airbnb locations. Look for ways to differentiate yourself from the other options in your area. 

It could be as simple as including some interesting furniture, like a luxurious four poster bed, a hammock or a swinging chair. Maybe your property has added extras, such as a table tennis or pool table. The properties that attract the most attention and bookings are the ones that catch the eye, which could be due to a striking colour scheme or a signature piece the eyes are naturally drawn to.


Look for Inspiration


Struggling to make any decisions or looking for a good place to start? There’s inspiration everywhere if you know where to look. Spend some time looking at popular Airbnb listings that match the style you want to present to your guests and study the properties. 

You might even consider booking a stay at one to get some ideas. 

Pinterest is an excellent source of inspiration and there are several popular boards aimed at Airbnb owners and interior designers. Airbnb also has its own design inspiration resource that you can tap into. You don’t have to stick to your own area, but it’s worth checking out the competition. 

In today’s social media age, you want to create a space that people won’t only enjoy staying in but also want to share with their networks. Word of mouth can be an incredibly powerful tool!


Consider Your Furniture Carefully

Loft style bed perfect for Airbnb interior design

The furniture you choose for your Airbnb property can make or break the experience that guests have. You need to consider the five critical factors of furniture before deciding: fashion, function, cost, convenience and safety. 

Choosing the best furniture for your Airbnb will depend on the answers to these five questions. One thing is for sure; quality furniture will always be a good investment that can delight your guests and stand the test of time. Nobody ever complained about getting a great night's sleep at the end of the day.


Need More Guidance? Download Our Boutique Stay Style Guide and Master Interior Design 

Interior design is a complex and rewarding process that should be ever-evolving. Packed with ideas, inspiration and guidance, our Boutique Stay Style Guide is the perfect companion to help you through the journey. 

Click the link below to download your free copy. 

boutique stay style guide